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Order Now Odia Book Bharatara Munirushi By Sri Brajakishore Sahoo From OdishaShop

I was satisfied to read the book “Munirushi of India”. I would have been happy to have read this book by my late Nana Swargat Anant Mishra, a devotee of Mr. Jagannath, the founder of Cuttack Students Store. His favorite book was by Shri Prabhudatta Brahmachari. Bhagavati Katha ”, which he translated into Bhagavata Katha. Whether intentionally or unknowingly, “Bhagavata Katha is for the readers of India”? The book appears to have been written by Braj Babu. Mr. Braj Kishore Sahu has already been able to attract the attention of Sudhi readers by writing biographies such as “Bhakta O Jagannath”, “Jagadguru Shankaracharya” “Mahamanab Buddha” etc.


The history of Indian culture and civilization is the history of Munirashi’s life. Truth, Treta and Dwapar were dedicated to the life of the three sages of Munirushi. Therefore, the incarnations came to the world to destroy the demons that hinder the spread of religion. As long as there was a gap between the call of the sage and the descent of God, hundreds of sages were sacrificed, the sacred altar was broken, and their monasteries were destroyed. But in spite of all this, they did not hesitate to consider, study, research and observe the mysterious theories of religion.


Mr. Sahu has written in his book, from Sanak Sanandan of Satya Yuga to the biography of Maharushi Chavan. This book does not include judgments about the saints of the Black Age. He has written two of the most famous of them, “Jagadguru Shankaracharya” and “Biography of the Great Buddha,” and many of his devotees have been included in his book “Bhakta and Jagannath.” Some of the Rasi described in the “Munirushi of India” have acted as philosophers, as some workers, as devotees, and as some seekers and as collaborators in the Munirushi incarnations of India. Have you been able to redefine the scriptural and spiritual connection of some and the path of meditation, such as Narad’s “Bhakti Sutra”, Basistha’s “Yoga Basistha” Ashtabakra’s Samhita? , Balmiki’s “Ramayana”, Beas’ Mahabharata and Bhagavata ”

Book Details

Book Title Bharatara Munirusi(ଭାରତର ମୁନିଋଷି)
No of Pages 154
Binding Type Paperback
Author Sri Brajakishore Sahoo
Editor NA
Publisher Cuttack Students’ Store
Language Odia
Publication 2021
Edition 6th Edition
Book Dimention Packaging approx in cm – 15x22x1
Printing Sangeeta Printers, Cuttack
Layout Design Compu Prints, Cuttack
Assembly required NA
Warning Nothing

Additional information

Weight 0.248 kg


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